Terms of Service


This agreement to lease studio space is made and effective between Viva Studios, Inc., (“Company”) and Client (“Renter”) by the receipt of payment.  Renter accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, whether or not Renter has read them. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

Reservations and Payment

All studio rental charges are payable in advance at the time the reservation is made via credit card or business check (no personal checks). The studio is not considered reserved until payment and signed rental contract are received. Renter agrees to pay the Company’s studio rental pricing which is in effect at the time of reservation. Rental periods are prearranged at the time of booking. Renter’s rental time begins promptly at the designated starting time and ends promptly at the designated ending time. Rental time includes set up, break-down, and clean up. Studio must be cleaned and vacated by the end of the rental period. No prior prep time or drop-off and/or pick-up after completion of shoot, of equipment, props, etc. unless negotiated at time of rental contract, and additional fees may apply. There is a 15 min grace period before and after your designated rental times. After 15 mins of your designated end time, an overtime fee of $90 will be charged and continue to accrue at a rate of $90 every 30 minutes thereafter. If you feel you need more time for your production, please let us know at least 1 hour before your scheduled end time to only be charged at the regular rate of $150 an hour.


Bookings canceled with 30+ days before the event start time and will receive a full refund.

Bookings canceled between 30 and 7 days before the event start time will receive a 50% refund.

Bookings canceled 7 days or less before the event start time are not refundable.

If we must cancel your reservation for a reason within our control, you will be given either rescheduling priority or a full refund. Company is not liable for acts out of its control that affect the shoot which include but are not limited to power outages, weather, acts of God or emergencies. In such cases, we will refund a prorated portion of your payment if the rental period had already started, or rescheduling priority if the rental period had not begun.

Conduct, Policies & Rules

Renter is solely responsible for the conduct and welfare of all persons accompanying Renter while on Company Premises.

Renter agrees to:

• No smoking whatsoever in the building or within 30ft of any entrance

• No consumption of alcoholic beverages on site

• Keep sound at reasonable level (Renter assumes legal and financial responsibility for noise violations during their rental)

• Animals are allowed with prior notice and approval

• A studio representative may, at our sole discretion, be present at all times

• No hazardous, illegal, or negligent practices, activities, or substances


If we observe or otherwise become aware of any rules violations, we reserve the right to stop the shoot and may require you and your party to leave immediately. No refund will be given for unused time. We assume no responsibility to act in such cases.


Use of our studio and equipment is AT RENTER’S OWN RISK. Renter hereby waives rights to seek legal redress for mishaps, accidents, any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage, injury or loss to Renter, their party or possessions. Renters are solely responsible for any legal infractions Renter or members of Renter’s party make during your booking. Renter agrees to hold itself, agents, representatives, and contractors acting on its behalf for any loss, accident, or injury to Renter’s self or anyone who accompanies Renter while on Company premises.

Renter agrees to be solely responsible for the conduct and welfare of all persons accompanying Renter while on Company premises. Renter agrees to indemnify and hold its agents, representatives, and anyone acting on behalf of Company completely harmless from any action, legal or otherwise, that results from Renter’s conduct. Renter holds harmless and indemnifies the Company and its owners, agents, representatives, associates, officers, employees, guests and tenants against any suit, claim, loss, accident, judgment, fine, injury or damages, including reasonable attorney’s fees. This indemnification shall continue in full force and effect during and after the term of the rental for such causes arising during the term of the rental.


Company agrees to provide equipment in good working order, but makes no special guarantees as to said equipment’s functionality or suitability to Renter’s purposes. Company will assume no liability for any equipment brought in or left by the Renter. All items brought to the Premises by

Renter are to be removed by Renter. Items left after 7 days will be assumed abandoned and may be discarded or kept by the Company for Company use, with no compensation due the renter, at the discretion of the Company.

Damage and Cleaning 

Renter agrees to pay for any repair costs for damage to or loss of equipment or studio caused by Renter or anyone in Renter’s party within 4 business days from the end of the rental period. Renter agrees to pay for including but not limited to damage to the Premises including spills, excessive wear, marks or stains on furniture, fixtures or painted surfaces. Renter agrees to leave the studio in the condition it was found, or a $100 cleaning fee will be charged.


This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding and agreement between the Renter and the Company. Any modifications of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. The laws of the Province of Ontario shall govern this Agreement. The parties have read this entire Agreement, agree to all its terms, and acknowledge receipt of a complete copy of the Agreement signed by both parties. The person signing as Renter below shall be fully responsible for ensuring that payment is made pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

is made and effective by payment via Viva Studios online booking portal or payment of online invoice, by and between Viva Studios, Inc., (“Company”) and Client (“Renter”).  Renter accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, whether or not Renter has read them.